The Episcopal Church
of the Resurrection
1433 NW R.D. Mize Road - Blue Springs, Missouri 64015 - 816.228.4220
The Church of the Resurrection is a Christian community cultivating a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, each other, and our neighbors by promoting justice, peace and love through worship, ministry and outreach.
Experience Traditional Liturgy and Music
Wedding Guidelines
Revised 2020
Christian marriage is an important sacrament of the Church, and is intended to support and encourage the two people involved. The Church participates in as a sign of love and a desire to bless the union of two individuals.
Christian marriage is not to be entered into lightly or unadvisedly. To that end, the Church commits itself to preparing couples for marriage, and to supporting them long beyond the day of the wedding. Marriage is not a private affair, but a public proclamation of the love between two people, and the blessing of Christ on that union.
Weddings at Episcopal Church of the Resurrection are expected to conform to the normal practice and liturgy of the Episcopal Church. We welcome members of other denominations and faiths to be married at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection. We do expect our traditions and practices are respected, as we will always respect the practices and traditions of other bodies. In case where clergy of different denominations are co-celebrating, respect for each tradition is expected.
Couples must participate in pre-marital preparation with the priest who is to be the celebrant at the rite. On occasion, when appropriate, pre-marital preparation may be done elsewhere. A written report from the counselor or priest will be submitted to the celebrant at least 30 days before the wedding. In cases where one or both members of the party have been previously married and are now divorced, the couple must conform to the requirements of the policies and canons of the Diocese of West Missouri and the Episcopal Church of the USA. The policy of other denominations will be respected.
The Priest is responsible for approving, scheduling and record keeping of weddings at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection.
Wedding Checklist
No decorations should be put up before the day of the wedding unless special arrangements have been made with the church office due to other church activities.
A white aisle runner may be used. It must be rolled out just before bridal party enters sanctuary, and must be removed at end of service, before guests are dismissed.
If flower petals are to be dropped, artificial flower petals may be dropped only on the runner and must be picked up when runner is removed.
Arrangements of flowers are the responsibility of the bride/groom. The couple must make arrangements with an Altar Guild representative at least 30 days prior to the wedding date. The couple may order the flowers through the Altar Guild or elsewhere, but the arrangements must conform to Altar Guild standards. It is requested (optional) that the flowers are left for the next Sunday’s service if wedding is on Friday or Saturday.
Decorating must be done in consultation with the celebrant and Altar Guild. No tape, pins or staples may be used to secure decorations.
The photographer must contact the celebrating priest at least one week prior to the wedding date to discuss the churches arrangements.
No flash photos may be taken during the ceremony.
Photographers are asked to respect the view of all members in the congregation and to be inconspicuous.
The clergy and wedding party will pose for pictures either before or after the service.
Church Staff
The Altar Guild will help arrange items for the liturgy.
The celebrant (and any assisting clergy) will work with the couple.
The Organist/Choirmaster is in charge of music and the couple shall meet with organist to discuss music and sound system for wedding. Church organist is only person who can use any and all musical equipment to include organ, piano, sound system.
Organist fees are $80.00 to $125.00, depending upon the amount of time required for preparing for your wedding. This fee includes:
A planning consultation (approximately 1 hour).
A rehearsal with vocalist(s) and/or instrumentalist(s) (1/2 to 1 hour).
The wedding rehearsal (1/2 to 1 hour)
The wedding service (approximately 1 ½ hours).
An additional $20.00 per hour is recommended for extra rehearsal time required. Expenses such as corsage, invitation to rehearsal dinner, and reception are not required. If you request instrumental or vocal music that is not in the organist’s library, it should be provided by the bride/groom. In order to abide by Federal copyright laws, original copies are required – not photocopies.
Building Use
The church shall be opened two hours before the wedding to accommodate the wedding party. If more time is needed please contact the church office for special hour extension.
The sanctuary will be closed 1 hour after wedding.
If undercroft is to be used all areas must be returned to standard set-up for next day services/activities. See office for standard set-up.
Members of Episcopal Church of the Resurrection do not pay a fee for using any of the church for a wedding.
It is suggested that a donation be given to the Altar Guild and to the Sexton fund for cleaning.
All areas must be returned to standard set-up for day’s service/activities.
Non-Members of Episcopal Church of the Resurrection the following fees must be paid in advance:
Sanctuary and class rooms for wedding party to gather (no kitchen or undercroft use) $75.00 per hour
Sanctuary, class rooms and undercroft (no use of kitchen) day rate $350
Sanctuary, class rooms, undercroft and kitchen day rate $500
Fees do not include any required custodial set-up and/or cleaning up which will be charged at $15 per hour per person required. A deposit of $75 will be required to pay for this fee – balance of fee will be returned to payee and/or a bill will be issued to request payment for extra cleaning.
Church of the Resurrection Facility Use Rules and Guidelines apply. A signed Facilities Request Form must be submitted and approved.
The marriage liturgy is the responsibility of the celebrant.
The couple will review the liturgy with the celebrant and make choices where appropriate.
Additional liturgical officers will be used as appropriate (readers, deacon, acolytes, etc.)