The Episcopal Church
of the Resurrection
1433 NW R.D. Mize Road - Blue Springs, Missouri 64015 - 816.228.4220
The Church of the Resurrection is a Christian community cultivating a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, each other, and our neighbors by promoting justice, peace and love through worship, ministry and outreach.
Experience Traditional Liturgy and Music
The Episcopal Church, USA
This is the main website for the national Episcopal Church.
Episcopal News Service (ENS) offers in-depth reporting and analysis for Episcopalians and others...
Diocese of West Missouri
The diocesan offices are just south of the Cathedral at 420 W. 14th Street in Kansas City, MO.
New Spirit is the official online news and information magazine of The Diocese of West Missouri.
A ministry in Kansas City, with support from both the Diocese of West Missouri and the Diocese of Kansas, that focuses on Hunger Relief initiatives.
WEMO Youth
The Diocese of West Missouri's youth community.
The Anglican Communion
The official website for the worldwide Anglican Communion, of which the Episcopal Church in the United States is a member.
Read and comment on today's Forward Day By Day meditation. Pray the Daily Office (Morning, Noonday, Evening Prayer and Compline.) Set your own personalized Daily Prayer Preferences.
RenewalWorks seeks to inspire disciples and empower evangelists.
Lectionary and Prayer Resources
The Book of Common Prayer
The Book of Common Prayer is our "red" book that contains most of the services and prayers used by the Episcopal Church. It is both a devotional and teaching resource for individuals and congregations.
The Lectionary Page
This site lists the complete text for Sunday readings and also for other days of the week that are feasts, holy days or are otherwise significant.
Calendar of the Church Year
This site lists the days of importance in the church year with pages that describe them.
Revised Common Lectionary (RCL)
This Vanderbilt Divinity Library site gives the RCL readings for each Sunday in the three-year cycle.
The Daily Office
This site lists the scripture readings and gives you the Morning and Evening Prayer services for every day of the year. It also coaches you through Noonday Prayer and Compline, which are simpler offices. You can also read along with the BCP office for families and individuals.
This is a comprehensive guide to the church year, with readings and hymns for practically every day of the church year. It also has a Bible browser that will let you search for text in the NRSV, RSV, King James and three other translations.