Newcomer and Visitor Information
Resurrection is a vibrant, inclusive Christian community
We all come from different places and are at different stages in our journey to seek a deeper understanding of God. If you are new to the Episcopal Church, you may want to look at Our Beliefs page to understand our theological foundation.
If you are interested in attending a service, you may want to learn more about our service times and formats or what to expect before, during, and after a service at Resurrection. Every Episcopal church does things differently. Here are some answers to questions you may have about the Episcopal Church and about Resurrection, in particular.
What should I wear?
People wear a variety of clothing styles to Resurrection services. Anything from jeans and shorts to suits and ties blend right in. Wear what works for you. We’re glad to have you with us!
Where do I sit?
Please sit in whatever part of the church you feel most comfortable. There’s no reserved seating!
What are the books everyone is using?
The blue book is the hymnal, where you will find all music sung at the service. The numbers in the service bulletin indicate where to find each piece. Numbers that start with an “S” are “service music” and are found at the front of the hymnal, while numbers without a letter start further back. Occasionally we may use a hymn from outside the hymnal, and the bulletin will indicate where to find it, usually on a separate piece of paper inserted in the bulletin.
The red book is the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), which contains the order of service and all the prayers spoken together.
Why do you keep getting up and down?
Our service involves a fair amount of movement by design. Traditionally, members of the congregation stand to sing or recite, kneel to pray, and sit to listen. Feel free to participate as you are able. It is certainly acceptable to remain sitting (or standing) if you have trouble getting up and down.
What is your worship format?
Like almost all churches in the Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican/Episcopal tradition, our worship each Sunday follows a liturgical worship format. The first part of the service is the “liturgy of the word,” which includes readings from the Old Testament and New Testament, usually followed by a sermon, prayers for the church and for the world, confession, and sharing of the peace. In the second part of the service, the “liturgy of the table,” we hear the story of the Last Supper and participate in the Holy Eucharist, or Communion. Communion is offered every Sunday at Resurrection.
The 8:00 Sunday service does not include music, while the 10:30 service includes our choir and hymns accompanied by the organ.
Am I allowed to take Communion? What do I do?
Everyone is welcome at the altar, and all baptized people are invited to share in the Eucharist. To take the bread, hold out your hands with your palms up, one on top of the other. The priest will place the bread in your palm, after which you may eat it.
If you choose and it is offered, you may partake of the wine. The wine may be offered by sharing a common cup or a separate and disposal cup from which only you will drink.
Receiving only the consecrated bread at the time of communion is a full and sufficient participation in the Sacrament. The same is true for the consecrated wine. Either element, if received alone, carries the full weight of the Sacrament.
If you wish, you may have a blessing instead of taking the bread. Simply cross your arms over your chest and the priest will know you wish to be blessed. You may also cross your arms if you don’t wish to take any wine, and the server will skip over you or you may leave the communion rail immediately after receiving the bread.
Are children welcome in church?
Children of all ages are welcome to attend the full service if they (and you) wish. Unlike many churches, we do not have a “cry room,” but we understand that small children sometimes “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” (and sometimes noises not so joyful). Often parents sit towards the back of the church so that they can take their children outside if needed, but some of us have found that our children are more interested and engaged if we sit right up front so they can see. Wherever you choose, we love having children present and encourage them to participate in the service as they are able.
Is there a nursery for infants and Sunday School for children?
Our Nursery and Sunday School are temporarily closed due to COVID
We have a nursery for infants and children 3 and under, where they are welcome to stay for all or part of the service. It is lovingly staffed from 10 am to noon every Sunday. Children ages 4-10 may choose to attend Children’s Chapel. This takes place downstairs in the children's classroom during the first part of the 10:30 am service. Church volunteers lead the children in prayer and song, share the Gospel reading for the day, and tell a story from the Bible. During the passing of the Peace before Holy Communion, children process in to rejoin their parents in “big church.”
Is there a fellowship hour?
Yes! Between services and after the 10:30 am service, coffee and snacks are served in the undercroft (the lower level below the sanctuary.)