Outreach. Ministry to our community.
Church of the Resurrection participates in several outreach ministries throughout the year. Many thanks for the contributions of Resurrection parishioners who give of their time, talents and treasure to these programs. Thanks be to God!

BackSnack Program
More than 100,000 children in the 26 county area of NW Missouri and NE Kansas receive free and reduced-price school meals during the week, but are at risk of hunger on weekends. In partnership with Harvesters, Church of the Resurrection serves as a liaison with the Blue Springs School District, providing volunteers who weekly pick up backpacks, clean them and repack them with food provided by Harvesters for needy children to take home every Friday.

Blessing Bag Ministry

The Necessity Pantry is a joint ministry of the episcopal churches in eastern Jackson County. Based at St. Michael's in Independence, the pantry serves families who need assistance with food, personal hygiene items and household supplies. Donations and cash contribution are collected the third Sunday of every month and delivered to St. Michael's for distribution.

Community Services League
Every year we participate in several programs to benefit the Community Services League in Blue Springs. During the lenten season, the offerings from the community lenten services are designated for the CSL. Each November and December we collect Christmas gifts for children up to 18 years old that are distributed through the CSL at their annual free shopping event for parents. Our members often volunteer to help CSL staff this event as well.